The Simplest Skincare Routine Everyone Needs To Know

The Simplest Skincare Routine Everyone Needs To Know

I get it- doing a full on skin care routine every single night can be a hassle. You’re tired and just want to jump in bed without even washing your face..BUT it is super important to be consistent with your skin to keep it looking healthy and radiant. Here is my super simple skincare routine that you should totally try if you’re looking to keep it quick and easy! 

Side note: everybody’s skin is different and will react and respond differently to every facial product, this is just what works best for me and others I know! My skin is not that sensitive, it is more on the oily side but also gets dried out. 


  1. Put your hair up, use a headband

When you’re tired and don’t feel like putting up your hair all the way (me every night lol), you just won’t get a good wash with the hair falling in your face, put it up girl!

2. Wash your face with CeraVe Facial Cleanser

The brand CeraVe is great because the cleanser actually adjusts to your skins’ pH levels and is developed with dermatologists. CeraVe has a hydrating cleanser for normal-to-dry skin, a foaming cleanser for normal-to-oily skin, salicylic acid foaming cleanser for smooth skin, and a few others. I used to use the foaming cleanser for normal to oily skin which did really help with oil, but now I used a prescribed treatment and highly recommend the hydrating cleanser to prevent your skin from drying out. The normal cleanser is a little more harsh so I suggest the hydrating formula is you have sensitive skin!

3. Apply Toner

Toner is used to make sure all the dirt and oil is off of your face, and over time it can help to even out your skin tone and tighten your pores. I use the brand Thayers that you can find in almost any store and it is awesome. Simply put some on a cotton pad and blot or wipe over your face.

4. If you used prescribed treatment insert that here

5. Use a Jade Roller

This step is optional, a roller helps to reduce puffiness, detoxify, minimize fine lines, and increase circulation, it is also just a nice little face massage! Keep your roller in the fridge if you want it cool on your skin!

6. CeraVe Moisturizing Lotion

Even if you don’t have dry skin, it is so important to keep your face moisturized, especially during colder months. CeraVe has a few different moisturizers and creams but I recommend the Daily Moisturizing Lotion to use in the morning and at night.

7. Lip product

Use a lip scrub, or just your favorite chapstick! Your lips need to stay hydrated too!

Bonus: Apply coconut oil on your eyelashes and/or eyebrows

Coconut oil helps to promote hair growth, I do this almost every night and can see both my eyelashes and eyebrows growing in a couple of days!

This routine works great for morning and night! I hope this helps!


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